A Simple Clojure IRC Client | all4bioinformatics
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Thursday, 18 April 2013

A Simple Clojure IRC Client

A Simple Clojure IRC Client

The other night I was toying with the following script, I was going to thrash it but figured it may help someone or me later on so I am dumping it here. It doesn't do anything other then to sit idle in a channel,
(ns irc
(:import (java.net Socket)
(java.io PrintWriter InputStreamReader BufferedReader)))

(def freenode {:name "irc.freenode.net" :port 6667})
(def user {:name "Nurullah Akkaya" :nick "nakkaya"})

(declare conn-handler)

(defn connect [server]
(let [socket (Socket. (:name server) (:port server))
in (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. (.getInputStream socket)))
out (PrintWriter. (.getOutputStream socket))
conn (ref {:in in :out out})]
(doto (Thread. #(conn-handler conn)) (.start))

(defn write [conn msg]
(doto (:out @conn)
(.println (str msg "\r"))

(defn conn-handler [conn]
(while (nil? (:exit @conn))
(let [msg (.readLine (:in @conn))]
(println msg)
(re-find #"^ERROR :Closing Link:" msg)
(dosync (alter conn merge {:exit true}))
(re-find #"^PING" msg)
(write conn (str "PONG " (re-find #":.*" msg)))))))

(defn login [conn user]
(write conn (str "NICK " (:nick user)))
(write conn (str "USER " (:nick user) " 0 * :" (:name user))))
(def irc (connect freenode))
(login irc user)
(write irc "JOIN #clojure")
(write irc "QUIT")
Lots of this code should be self-explanatory, calling connect will open a socket to the server, it will return a ref containing a reader and a writer associated with the socket, it will also spawn a new thread that will handle incoming messages from the server.
conn-handler will keep reading and printing from the socket until exit key in the conn ref is set which happens when we receive a "Closing Link" message from the server, every once in a while server will ping us with "PING :randomstring" we need to reply "PONG :randomstring" else we get disconnected. Thats all there is to it, as I said it doesn't do anything but with a few regexes you can turn it in to client or a bot.



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