NextGenSeek Jobs:
A place to advertise jobs that uses Next-gen sequencing technologies and data. Drop us an email to nextgenseek at with the job details, if you would like to advertise here for free. ( or tweet to us @nextgenseek.)
June 3: Bioinformatics Scientist, Cancer Genomics and Bioinformatics, The Genome Institute at Washington University
The Genome Institute at Washington University is seeking a Bioinformatics Scientist to work in cancer genomics projects focusing on
Evaluation and design of analysis plans for sequencing-based projects studying the genetic basis of cancer, tumor clonality, tumor progression, tumor treatment response and other cancer-related studies
June 2: Senior Research Associate in Bioinformatics at DuPont Pioneer, Iowa
The Genome Analytics group within Trait Informatics at Dupont Pioneer focuses on the development and application of next-generation sequencing approaches for genetic discovery and product development. As part of this team, the successful candidate will be responsible for providing data analysis capabilities, consultation, and expertise to researchers utilizing NGS data. This person will partner with the sequencing lab, software developers, and computational biologists to provide bioinformatics solutions and support in this area.
June 1: Postdoctoral positions in Algorithms for Sequence Analysis at Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)
Jared Simpson’s lab of the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) is seeking two postdoctoral fellows to develop algorithms and software for large-scale sequence analysis. The lab works on many areas of sequence analysis including error correction, de novo assembly, and reference-free variation detection in cancers and populations. The lab is also interested in memory efficient algorithms, particularly the use of compressed text indices for sequence analysis.
May 4: Postdoctoral position in computational genomics at the Whitehead Institute, MIT
Yaniv Erlich’s group at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research is seeking a postdoc to work on
algorithmic development and statistical genetics.